We feel that by offering a weekly service to Northeast Victoria & surrounding areas by one of our knowledgeable and enthusiastic SMKV personnel provides you the peace of mind that your wine will arrive. This is because we treat all our customers like family.
Areas include:
Albury, Beechworth, Benalla, Bonnie Doon, Boorhaman, Bright, Bundalong, Chiltern, Corowa, Gorrambat, Mansfield, Mulwala, Myrtleford, Rutherglen, Shepparaton, Springhurst, Tatong, Wahgunyah, Wangaratta, Yackandandah, Yarrawonga & surrounds
SMKV have a great relationship with intrastate and interstate transport logistics teams to ensure that your delivery requirements are met, whether you need to send a pallet or wine boxes.
Please get in touch with our SMKV Sales Team at 03 5727 3888 or sales@sammiranda.com.auĀ for further details.